donderdag 11 maart 2010

Alphabe Thursday

I am joining Jenny Matlock for Alphabe Thursday. Today's letter is 'H'.

My 'H' word is HAMEAU, the French word for hamlet. I live in a hameau, there are 6 houses together and we belong to a small village with 260 inhabitants (including the 15 hameau's). There is a church, a small postoffice , a municipal hall and a village hall where they organize about 6 meals a year, for the inhabitants.

Here they say that we live in 'la cambrousse', they mean that here in this French countryside, there is nothing and nothing. There is only rural tranquility
These pictures of a part of the hameau were made last summer.

If you want to visit the other participants, go to Jenny's blog......

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Hurray! I'm so happy you joined Alphabe-Thursday. What a lovely place to live. I love learning about other places and ways of living, and yours seems sweet, simple, and very special. Thank you. I'll see you again soon :).

  2. Good morning, Baukje - thank you for visiting my blog. I've just had a look around your most interesting blog post and I'll be back for more. What beautiful things you knit!

  3. Most excellent post...learned something new...Hameau...sounds like my kind of place:-) Peace and blessings

  4. It looks like a beautiful place to live! And I have learned a new word.

  5. it so beautiful and peaceful looking....lucky you! Glad you joined in the Alphabe group...happy h' day a day late....melinda

  6. France looks wonderful, and I would love to get there someday! So you never heard of Hugh Hefner? I guess you would not being in France...but yes he is well known here in the US...and has had many girlfriends for many years and he rotates them three at a time...they move in his mansion for a couple of years, then they get older and move on and he gets younger ones....not a great man, but interesting to say the least! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Love the music...Blue on Black...very cool:-)

  8. lovely photos, it all looks so serene and so country and just so darn peaceful ... I love your bags, some of them are just so pretty!

  9. What a lovely and serene H post!

    Welcome to Alphabe-Thursday! Thank you for participating!

    A+ for a beautiful and peaceful post!

  10. What an amazing place to live! The quiet and peace would be a nice change for me.
