I dyed the fabric pieces in madder/meekrap/garance. But before you can start dyeing there is a long way to go.....
First you need to clean the fabric, even used and washed fabric need to be cleaned . The fabric should be boiled in a solution of washing soda and a bit of dishwashing liquid.
The water will become brown/orange, an unbelievable dirty color!
Then the fabric need to be mordanted, to help the dye to become permanently fixed to the fibres.
For cellulose/vegetable fibres you need an other way of mordanting than for animal fibres.
I did three mordanting bath, the first with 20% of alum and 6% of soda ash. The second bath with 8 % of tannin and the third bath again in the alum solution. Between the bath the fabric need to dry and wash just before a new bath.
The color you get depends on a lot of things, the ph of your water, the amount of color you use, if you use cotton or linen or hemp, light weight or medium light weight ........
I dyed two linen scarf and some pieces for cushions or bags.
Here in France Christmas is over , we only know the first day of Christmas but I wish my Dutch readers a peaceful and 'gezellig' second day of Christmas.