I forgot to tell our master Jenny that I could not visit the class last week because I was in Nantes. I hope she's not too angry.......
Last week was the letter N and I love to tell you about my friend Natasha, so I'll do it now. It's all a bit confusing but next week I promise to be there in time......
So, my friend Natacha, here she is...... 82 years old and always very energetic. She was born from a Russian father and a French mother who belonged to the nobility.
She lives about 1 kilometer from here since 20 years, before, she lived in Paris in an apartment.
There, she and her husband were already active in a club to preserve old and regional fruit trees.
When they moved over to the country they immediately started to plant fruit trees, especially regional varieties.
In there garden there are now 300 fruit trees of which are 242 different varieties.....
An example: she has 176 apple trees of which are 140 varieties.!! There are pear-trees, plum-trees,peach-trees, cherry-trees, apricot-trees, quince-trees, walnut-trees and chestnut-trees. Imagine the beauty when they are all in bloom.
Her husband died 3 years ago , she has a gardener now twice a week for some hours, but she still does the mowing!

Natacha also has chickens and she has 2 beehives. So there are 'homemade' eggs and there is delicious honey.

Yes, life in the country is a very happy life......
If you want to vist the other participants, go to Jenny....