zaterdag 22 augustus 2015

More eco bundles

In my last eco dyeing post i told you that there were already new bundles in the jars.
They stayed two weeks in the jars for some solar dyeing; Weather was hot and sunny, a real heat-wave.
After those two weeks the bundles were steamed for two hours, in the dyepot war rain water with some rust water. When i lo oked at the bundles after half an hour,  i got a fright! All the bundles turned black! So i threw away the rustwater and changed it for only rain water.
I opened the bundles after one week...... yes ,I know 'time is your friend', but i could not wait longer.
Eco dyeing is so magic and i am so happy with the results!

These are laurel leaves from my garden. The fabric is silk/wool blend , mordant with Crème de tartre and alum.The bundle was wrapped round a copper pipe and before steaming,  two weeks in a jar with some logwood.

Leaves from the Rhus tree; the ordinary one that everybody in Holland and in France has in her garden.
The fabric is a silk, wool blend. The bundle was wrapped round some wood and for two weeks in dried hibiscus flower dye jar.

Eucalyptus perriniana leaves , my friend Natacha has not only 350 fruit trees , but also some eucalyptus trees. The bundle was wrapped around wood and for two weeks in a jar with some, already used, rhubarb roots.

These leaves i found in a village nearby , i don't know the name of the tree. The bundle was wrapped around a piece of rust and for two weeks in a jar with dried hibiscus flowers. 

In the same village i found these leaves, wrapped around wood and in a jar with some lac.

The same eucalyptus leaves , wrapped around wood and the for two weeks in a used madder jar.

And of course there also were bundles with almost no print or only some colored spots. With eco dyeing you need to do lots of experiments. and you shall be disappointed several times; 
But eco dyeing is MAGIC and I am already addicted.......

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Dear Baukje, your dye results are fantastic. You must be very happy! I love the varieties of leaves you have in France and Europe. I'd love to try them one day! Thanks for sharing - Nat xx

  2. It really is magic, Baukje! I love seeing your results - you have created some very beautiful one of a kind pieces of art through eco dying. Wow. I would love to try this too, but for now I will enjoy your "experiments".
    Any plans for how you will use your new pieces?

  3. Heel apart dat stofverven. Je hebt wel geduld nodig, maar het resultaat is schitterend!
    Leuk dat je zoveel hebt uitgeprobeerd.

  4. Wat je allemaal laat zien hier is wel heeeel erg mooi geworden Baukje!! Wat een werk en wat een geduld heb je nodig om dit te maken. De resultaten zijn wel bijzonder mooi. Hoe groot zijn je stofjes en weet je al wat je er mee gaat doen? (Behalve er veel naar kijken en blij mee zijn natuurlijk :-)]

  5. Verven zoals jij dat doet is heel inspirerend! Vooral de bovenste is mijn smaak, die loopt zo mooi over van licht naar donker. :)

  6. Beautiful results, love your work baukje !!

  7. Prachtig Baukje!! Wat lijkt me dat spannend als je de bundels uit elkaar haalt. Je moet er wel écht verstand van hebben.

  8. Gorgeous, Baukje! Simply beautiful. I am not sure I could cut this fabric up...what will you do with this? I am so curious.

  9. Oh Baukje they are so beautiful. you are so clever. I love the first one!

  10. Echt ongelofelijk mooi, ik zit al een paar dagen (echt!!) vol verwondering en bewondering naar de stoffen te kijken! Vraag me wel af welke stof je hiervoor gebruikt en of je het niet vreselijk spannend vind om dure stof te gebruiken terwijl je niet weet hoe het effect gaat worden.. ;) Ik heb zelf nog een aantal meters bourettezijde liggen, zou het daar ook mee gaan? Groetjes!!

  11. You make beautiful prints. The first one and the one with lac dyed are particular pressure. Love your work.
